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connecting our chico community, together.

Chico Safe Streets Coalition is a group of community members who want safer streets for everybody in our city. We advocate for better infrastructure for biking, walking, using a wheelchair or mobility device, accessing transit, and more. 

Complete Streets and other active-transit proposals being introduced across the nation have improved pedestrian safety, reviatilized local-business centers, and increased quality of life that comes with a more connected community. It is imperative that the city of Chico follow a similar route and inveset in infrastructure that prioritizes the accessibility and lifestyle of its own community.


Protected bike lanes, accessible and abundant bike parking, and better street lighting are all paramount to incentivising biking as a safe and enjoyable method of transportation.        


Brighter crosswalks, wider sidewalks, and improved street lighting ensures walking downtown and around Chico feels safe and natural.           


Wider, leveled out sidewalks and properly sloped ramps go a long way in making sure everyone can get around town, and that we not only meet but go beyond ADA standards.       


A focus on alternate transport infrastructure means less carbon-emissions, less roadkill, and a brighter enviromental future for the city of Chico.       




Listen to our group members speak about safe streets and the future of public infrastructure on KZFR's Ecotopia below!



The city of Chico recently proposed a complete streets project for our downtown district. Like other complete streets plans implemented in other cities, the proposed design for this project would bridge gaps in connectivity downtown by implementing Class I protected bike lanes, widening sidewalks, and other infrastructure improvements to meet ADA requirements.  

Complete streets projects, when applied, have shown to increase quality of life for nearby residents, have a positive effect on local business, and reduce vehicle accidents and fatalities. It not only allows for safer and frequent use of low-cost transportation methods, but also helps mitigate costs that over-abundant vehicle transportation has on our public infrastructure, our environment, and our lives. 

Public infrastructure projects like complete streets are commonly met with strong initial resistance and hesitancy, so assist your community in urging the city council to approve the Downtown Complete Streets project today with the petition below!